
Here are my latest blog posts.

My lesson learned with distributed lock

Distributed lock really helps me to solve my issues, but it doesn't mean the issue will be solved immediately if I use distributed lock.Read More →

Cache problem - cache penetration

Cache penetration is one of problem we should consider first when utilizing cache in our application.Read More →

Perhaps you misunderstood setTimeout

setTimeout is used for executing some logic after a certain time. But exactly how long do we have to wait for that logic to be executed?Read More →

Be careful with try/catch and async/await

Sometimes try/catch and async/await may not work as we expect.Read More →

New way to use css variable

Css variables are amazing. The common way to use is to often set them up in :root. But they can be much more useful than that.Read More →

Replace Redux with useContext and useReducer

Today we will learn how to use useContext with useReducer to replace ReduxRead More →

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